No, You Cannot Trust the Dorr Brothers

No, You Cannot Trust the Dorr Brothers
Nor their Compatriots

Welcome. If you have been directed to this site, it is most likely because you have worries about one or more of the many groups run by or associated with the Dorr Brothers (Aaron, Chris, Ben, and Matt).

We are happy you are here and hope you will learn the truth and that you will help us spread the word about this scheming group of fraudsters that are having a splendid time collecting your well-intended donations for their personal use while using confrontational politicking to harm and disparage some of our best legislators and some of the most effective lobbying and pro-gun, pro-life advocating groups around.

Mitch Berg, Shot in the Dark Blogger and podcaster, has been reporting on the Dorr Brothers for years

Ask yourself:
  • How on God's green earth can they passionately, effectively, be involved in 24 organizations in 11 states, across four markets (2nd Amendment, Pro-Life, Disaster Relief, and Trump Clubs) and create the positive outcomes your donation(s) demand?
  • If they are so passionate about Pro-Gun (or Pro-life) legislation in my state, why don't they even live in my state? If Aaron lives in New York, Ben lives in Minnesota, Chris lives in Ohio, and Matt lives in Iowa, why do they operate in eleven states?
  • If their deep passion and expertise is in fighting for 2nd Amendment rights, why did they jump into the Pro-life movement? ... and then Disaster Relief... and now Trump 2020?
  • Why are there nearly 3000 people in just Iowa alone, following te "The Truth About Gun Owners and the Dorr Brothers Scam," Facebook page interested in exposing the group? 
  • Why did the Minnesota GOP launch a website dedicated to warning Minnesotans of the Dorr Brother organizations there?
  • Why do they always attack the most ardent pro-life and pro-2nd Amendment legislators?
  • Why do they always attack the most effective pro-life and pro-2nd Amendment advocate groups?
  • Why are there common complaints across the different states and groups? Nearly always attacking the best of our legislators, always using confrontational politic tactics to fundraise? Taking credit for passed legislation they had little or nothing to do with?
  • If the Dorr Brothers love the unborn, wouldn't they do better for the unborn by trying to help unseat pro-abortion Democrats in lieu of attacking the best pro-life legislators and threaten their incumbencies?
  • Why do the same names keeping popping up on different social media posts, regardless of the issue (2A or pro-life)? The same people with the same tiresome, combative, argumentitive, confrontational (cruel and dishonest mostly) accusations thrown out there in the defense of the Dorr Brothers? 


See the comprehensive list of news articles and public commentary on the Dorr Brothers, starting with allegations of email list stealing and bribing.

Watch this video put together by Iowa's The Truth about Iowa Gun Owners Facebook Group aimed at warning people about the Dorr Brothers expanding into other states. 
---- See the rest of the video series here ---
Please heed their warning - association with these nefarious individuals may make you complicit in perpetuating lies about good people and keeping imporatant dollars from being directed toward very important efforts like protecting the unborn and safeguarding our Second Amendment rights.

Thank you 
for stopping by and for seeking to learn the truth about the Dorr Brothers.